Before long, my mum and I hopped into the car and went to guitar class. While my mum was driving, I looked at the rugby field and I couldn't see a game playing today.
When I got to guitar class I said, "Goodbye" to my mum and went inside. Then, I said, "Hello to my teacher Vernon.
After that, we started off with sitting in a circle to play Ode Joy one by one.
I started of and Vernon said that I was wonderful. Then we got into pairs to play another song called Ferolise with each other. My partner was called Maggie. We both played it at normal speed at first then we played it more faster and faster.
When we finished , we went into a circle again to play a new song with these chords Am, E, Am, C, E and Am. After I practised the new song the clock hit 11 o'clock. I rushed outside to see if my mum was there, but she wasn't so I had to go back inside to wait for her. After a little while, I went to check for her again but she still wasn't there. Then, I checked one last time and she finally arrived.
Once I hopped in the car, my mum told me that we were going to my auntie's house. However, we had to go back home to get ready. First, I grabbed some fun activities to play with. Then, I brought my guitar cards, a joke book, my drawing pad and some little snacks.
Soon, my grandma, mum and I hopped straight into the car and went to my aunties house. Twenty to twenty five minutes later, we all were there. I said, "Hello" and then went back into the car because we had to drop off my grandma and her sister to someone elses house. After we dropped them off, we said, "Goodbye". Then, my cousin, mum and I headed to Pizza hut because we were all hungry. We picked Pepperoni, Hawaiian and beef and onion. After an hour we picked up my grandma and her sister. Then, we all ate the pizza altogether like a happy family.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use similes and adjectives in my recount.