We are learning to reflect on the story of the lame man.
I know this when I can retell the story of the lame man.
I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Jesus, can you please help me?
Oh,no there's a thunder storm!
WALT develop creativity skills through poetry.
I know this when I write a poem about clouds.
Monday, 29 June 2015
God is our loving father!
WALT understand that God is Abba.
I know this when I write 7 ways that Jesus taught us how God is a loving father.
I know this when I write 7 ways that Jesus taught us how God is a loving father.
Sunday, 28 June 2015
Fi, fie, foe, fume!
WALT understand the story of the Jack and the Bean stalk.
I know this when I write 4 facts about Jack and the Bean stalk.
Wow, it is Matariki week already!
WALT develop understanding of the text that I read.
I know this when I recall information from the article to answer comprehension questions correctly.
Wow, I want to be a bird!
WALT understand the origin of birds using Inquiry process.
I know this when I make an Inquiry about the Origin of birds.
Saturday, 27 June 2015
What do you think makes me human?
WALT understand what makes me human.
I know this when I draw myself and write things that makes me human.
I know this when I draw myself and write things that makes me human.
Being human,
Physical features,
Friday, 26 June 2015
Everybody, pray with your heart!
WALT understand the main message from today's Mass.
I know this when I write 2 emotions that I feel about praying.
I know this when I write 2 emotions that I feel about praying.
Thursday, 25 June 2015
The living God is our hero!
WALT understand what it means to be a son or a daughter of God.
I know this when I write down what it means to be a son or a daughter of God.
I know this when I write down what it means to be a son or a daughter of God.
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Oh mum, can I play the guitar please?
On Saturday the 20th of of June I had guitar lessons. My alarm went off at 8am and my ears were about to explode. Then I opened al the curtains in the house and had breakfast with my mum and grandma. After I ate, my mum dropped me of at my guitar lessons. However I had to cross the road and the cars were going as fast as cheetahs having a race.
Before long, I made it to guitar class (finally). When I went in, to my teacher and said, "Hi" and my teacher said, "Good morning" back to me. Then I sat down and my teacher told all of us to play the high A,B,C,D,E,F,G and then the low A,B,C,D,E,F,G. I felt nervous like a kid going on stage who was about to sing.. After that, I played the Yankee doodle song and then I taught other people how to play it as well because I had master it.
After wards we practised the A,B,C,D,C,F and G again and again so we'd remember it. Then we had to do it backwards and forward twice. After that we did that we had a competition to try and beat our teacher in a A,B and c contest. When it was my turn , I nailed it and I beat him because I had one mistake. Then Maggie ( my partner) taught me the Yankee doodle song in a different note. So I practised it again and again.
Before the end of class, my teacher taught me all the notes and if I learn it all all the notes before this other student I win.I also learnt the E Alarmonica minor scale which was A,B,C,D,E,F and G,B. When I began playing the notes, I got confused but then I got it and wrote it and packed in my guitar and said, "Bye!" to everyone.
Today was fun because I got to learn new chords and songs.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use similes and adjectives in my writing.
Before long, I made it to guitar class (finally). When I went in, to my teacher and said, "Hi" and my teacher said, "Good morning" back to me. Then I sat down and my teacher told all of us to play the high A,B,C,D,E,F,G and then the low A,B,C,D,E,F,G. I felt nervous like a kid going on stage who was about to sing.. After that, I played the Yankee doodle song and then I taught other people how to play it as well because I had master it.
After wards we practised the A,B,C,D,C,F and G again and again so we'd remember it. Then we had to do it backwards and forward twice. After that we did that we had a competition to try and beat our teacher in a A,B and c contest. When it was my turn , I nailed it and I beat him because I had one mistake. Then Maggie ( my partner) taught me the Yankee doodle song in a different note. So I practised it again and again.
Before the end of class, my teacher taught me all the notes and if I learn it all all the notes before this other student I win.I also learnt the E Alarmonica minor scale which was A,B,C,D,E,F and G,B. When I began playing the notes, I got confused but then I got it and wrote it and packed in my guitar and said, "Bye!" to everyone.
Today was fun because I got to learn new chords and songs.
We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use similes and adjectives in my writing.
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
Geronimo is a hero!
WALT WALT develop understanding of what I read.
I know this when write a book review about the story that I have read.
Saturday, 20 June 2015
Would you like to learn to play the guitar?
On Saturday, on a dark and gloomy morning I had a nightmare so I woke up and I was so scared as if a dinosaur was chasing me. My mum told me not to be scared. I got ready at 9:30 and my mum dropped me off to my guitar class.
After my mum dropped me off I had to cross the road and the cars were all travelling at a fast speed, so it took a long time to cross the road. Finally I made it to my guitar class. The whole class and I sat into a circle. We had to share two songs which was the Joy of song and the Spanish song. When it was my turn I nailed it (finally).
After that we all got into pairs I went with Launoa and we both taught each other what we did not know. Launoa taught me the second part of the Spanish song. I taught her another song. Then we all went back into a circle again and shared what our partners had taught us.
Afterwards, our teacher taught us another song. The notes were G,E minor, D and C. Our teacher showed us an example and he played it so fast like he was a professional cook. Then he wrote it in our books so that we'd remember the notes.Finally it was eleven am, but before I left, he taught us the Yankie doodle song. Then it was time to go so I said, "Goodbye!"
Today was awesome because I got to learn new notes and new songs.
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this I write similes and adjectives in my recount.
After my mum dropped me off I had to cross the road and the cars were all travelling at a fast speed, so it took a long time to cross the road. Finally I made it to my guitar class. The whole class and I sat into a circle. We had to share two songs which was the Joy of song and the Spanish song. When it was my turn I nailed it (finally).
After that we all got into pairs I went with Launoa and we both taught each other what we did not know. Launoa taught me the second part of the Spanish song. I taught her another song. Then we all went back into a circle again and shared what our partners had taught us.
Afterwards, our teacher taught us another song. The notes were G,E minor, D and C. Our teacher showed us an example and he played it so fast like he was a professional cook. Then he wrote it in our books so that we'd remember the notes.Finally it was eleven am, but before I left, he taught us the Yankie doodle song. Then it was time to go so I said, "Goodbye!"
Today was awesome because I got to learn new notes and new songs.
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this I write similes and adjectives in my recount.
Friday, 19 June 2015
Be good and avoid evil everyone!
WALT understand today's Mass reading.
I know this when I write two emotions about avoiding the evil.
Thursday, 18 June 2015
Did you know that Jesus was a human just like us?
WALT understand how Jesus was human-like.
I know this when I write 6 ways that Jesus showed us his humanity from the scriptures.
Google presentation,
Jesus as a human,
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Pray, everyone!
WALT understand the Transfiguration of Jesus.
I know this when I retell the story of the Transfiguration in my own words.
I know this when I retell the story of the Transfiguration in my own words.
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Oh no, this hotel is haunted!
WALT develop understanding of what I read.
I know this when I record my book review using Blabberize.
Sunday, 14 June 2015
Mum look, FIFA is on T.V!
WALT understand FIFA through the Inquiry process.
I know this when I use write 7 Inquiry questions about FIFA and research to find the answers.
I know this when I use write 7 Inquiry questions about FIFA and research to find the answers.
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Do you know how to play the ode of joy song on the guitar?
On Saturday the 6th of June I had a guitar lesson. My alarm went off at 8am and it was so loud just like a brown bear snoring.When I woke up I had to quickly block my ears. After that I went to wake up my mum so I could get ready.After that I had butter on toast, because I needed a lot of energy for my music lesson.
When the both of us were ready, my mum and I hopped in the car. When I got there, I saw Launoa and she said, "Hi" and I said "Hi" back to her. Then I taught Evelen (my partner) the joy of ode song. After a while,she could play the whole song. Then we all formed a circle and I was nervous like q shy rabbit on stage because we all had to play the joy of ode song.
When I played the song,I nailed it and so did my partner. My teacher said,"Great job girls!"
I felt proud of myself because I practised really hard at home. After that Launoa,Akesa and I taught each other what we did not know. Launoa taught me the Spanish song and then Launoa and I taught Akesa the ode of Joy song and the Spanish song.
Before long, my teacher taught us the rest of the notes. The notes were E,C7,G,D and A7. After we have mastered it we taught others that what they did not know how to play. After that I reminded Launoa to bring her guitar on Monday. Time flew by and was nearly eleven o'clock so we learnt one last song before class ended. The time went by like a speedy car.
Today was awesome because I learnt new notes and songs. I want to learn even more songs next time I can share it with my family.
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use appropriate similes and adjectives in my writing.
When the both of us were ready, my mum and I hopped in the car. When I got there, I saw Launoa and she said, "Hi" and I said "Hi" back to her. Then I taught Evelen (my partner) the joy of ode song. After a while,she could play the whole song. Then we all formed a circle and I was nervous like q shy rabbit on stage because we all had to play the joy of ode song.
When I played the song,I nailed it and so did my partner. My teacher said,"Great job girls!"
I felt proud of myself because I practised really hard at home. After that Launoa,Akesa and I taught each other what we did not know. Launoa taught me the Spanish song and then Launoa and I taught Akesa the ode of Joy song and the Spanish song.
Before long, my teacher taught us the rest of the notes. The notes were E,C7,G,D and A7. After we have mastered it we taught others that what they did not know how to play. After that I reminded Launoa to bring her guitar on Monday. Time flew by and was nearly eleven o'clock so we learnt one last song before class ended. The time went by like a speedy car.
Today was awesome because I learnt new notes and songs. I want to learn even more songs next time I can share it with my family.
WALT understand and use descriptive language.
I know this when I use appropriate similes and adjectives in my writing.
Friday, 12 June 2015
Do you love and respect your parents?
WALT understand about today's mass.
I know this when I express 2 emotions about Jesus.
Come and make some paper flowers with me!
WALT understand and develop critical thinking skills.
I know this when I write 7 steps to make a paper flower.
Thursday, 11 June 2015
Do you know the order of events in Jesus' life?
WALT understand the timeline of Jesus' life.
I know this when we can put the events from Jesus' life in order.
I know this when we can put the events from Jesus' life in order.
1. Jesus was born in a stable in Bethlehem.
2. Jesus was lost in a temple.
3. Jesus got baptised in the Jordan river.
4. Jesus had the last supper with the disciples and Mary.
5. Jesus was crucified on the cross.
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
What are some main events in your life?
WALT understand the main events of my life.
I know this when I make a timeline with some brief descriptions about the events that have happened so far.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Save more money everyone!
You earn interest if you put your money in a bank.
A Eftpos card is a card that you can use to withdraw your own money that you have saved in the bank.
A credit card is a card that you use to withdraw money, but it is the bank's money you are borrowing. You have to pay the money back and the bank charges you interest for borrowing money.
WALT understand money.
I know this when I write 8 different ways to earn money and the two types of cards that you can apply for at a bank.
Saturday, 6 June 2015
Do you want to learn about St.Patrick's School?
WALT understand the identity of St.Patrick's School.
I know I can do this when I make an Padlet and ask Inquiry questions that will help me to understand the identity of St.Patrick's School.
Friday, 5 June 2015
Do you want to earn some money?
WALT recognise a feasible way to earn money.
I know I can do this when I plan out my idea for making money.
Thursday, 4 June 2015
Oh no, zombies are coming!
Once upon a time,there was a family who moved into a new house. They quickly their things and went into the house. The family lived around abanded houses. Once everything was moved into the house they cleaned up the house. The son went up to his room . He decided to work on his scariest prank ever.
After a while,the son and daughter went out to explore their new place.The son was 12 and the daughter was 14. While the parents were cleaning, they went down to the basement. There were webs and costumes in the basement. It felt like a Halloween store.While the children were walking to explore something walked past them.They felt frightened and goosebumps appeared all over their body so they ran back home as fast as they can because they were being chased by something. As soon as they got home they told their mum and dad about what happened. Suddenly they heard a strange sound and it was getting closer and closer to where they were. They felt terrified so they prayed to God to keep them safe .
A couple of hours later it was morning the kids woke up but the parents were still sleeping. The kids decided to cook breakfast, and then they saw someone going past them again. They went out to check who it was but they did not see anybody there.
Mean while the parents woke up and made breakfast for them selves. The kids were outside so the parents decided to join them mum said,What's going on?"
The children said, "L-look!"
The parents were shocked to see zombies destroying the trees and going into other peoples houses. The daughter said, "What are we going to do?"
The son and parents thought of something. They went down to the basement to get zombie costumes and they put them on.
Before long they put their costumes on they pretended to be zombie. The zombies outside did not realize that they were humans so they did not harm them. They got inside and destroyed everything in there. The family couldn't do anything but pray that they will stop and leave them alone. Then one zombie said, "April fools!"
They were not zombies after all they were cousins who made a prank to scare them for April fool's day.
WALT understand descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives and similes in my writing.

A couple of hours later it was morning the kids woke up but the parents were still sleeping. The kids decided to cook breakfast, and then they saw someone going past them again. They went out to check who it was but they did not see anybody there.
Mean while the parents woke up and made breakfast for them selves. The kids were outside so the parents decided to join them mum said,What's going on?"
The children said, "L-look!"
The parents were shocked to see zombies destroying the trees and going into other peoples houses. The daughter said, "What are we going to do?"
The son and parents thought of something. They went down to the basement to get zombie costumes and they put them on.
Before long they put their costumes on they pretended to be zombie. The zombies outside did not realize that they were humans so they did not harm them. They got inside and destroyed everything in there. The family couldn't do anything but pray that they will stop and leave them alone. Then one zombie said, "April fools!"
They were not zombies after all they were cousins who made a prank to scare them for April fool's day.
WALT understand descriptive language.
I know this when I use adjectives and similes in my writing.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Mmmmm chocolate!
WALT develop an understanding of the text that we read.
I know this when I make a flipsnack of information about chocolate.
I know this when I make a flipsnack of information about chocolate.
Tuesday, 2 June 2015
Read the book of Revelation now!
WALT understand the book of Revelation.
I know this when I write 3 facts about the book of Revelation in my own words.
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