Dwayne Johnson is a professional wrestler. He is also an American Canadian actor.
Dwayne Johnson was born in May second in 1972. He is 42 years old. His other name in wrestling is the rock. Johnson was a football player in college for the University of Miami. In 1999 he joined the hurricanes team. He also is one of the best performers of his generation.
Dwayne Johnson's grandfather used to be a professional wrestler. When he was young, he travelled everywhere. He lived in Hawaii, he then went to Pennsylvania, and also lived in New Zealand as a child. After he became a member of Calgary Stampede's and successful in getting into the championship.

He received $5.5 million dollars for the movie, The scorpion king. He has a world record for acting in a role play. He is 1.96m tall. He was also in the movies, Hercules, G.I Joe and Fast and furious 6. He played an alien wrestler in Star Trek as well.
Dwayne Johnson is one of the most famous wrestlers of all time as he has had a lot of media appearance.

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